Build 2.1.004 250121 - Compatible for v31.x.x
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Using the Launcher

There are several ways to use the Launcher to set your game modes. If you have a mode that has a listed preset, you can click on the button and it will automatically select the modes that you need and jump you to the bottom to select the custom Display Settings. Alternatively, you can import the seed URL into the Import Flags area and click Import Flags and it will automatically load them from the metadata. Please note, Customizer generated seeds, like Invrosia or Casual Boots, will not import all of their settings properly. Also, this feature will only work when using the online version and not the offline version, and will be removed from the launcher when running offline.

If you want to manually adjust your flags, the Gameplay Settings, Logic Settings, Goal Settings, and Starting Items can be adjusted to whatever mode you want. You can click on the header to expand the categories and adjust any flag that you want. If there are incompatibility issues with any of the modes, it will alert you when you start the tracker. Some modes have notes associated with them, which you can see by hovering over the [?] icons.

If you are using the tracker for restreaming, expand the section for Restreaming. First, enter in your supplied code into the Enter Code text field and click on Validate. As long as the code is correct, it will dispaly the proper section of which the code is supplied for, be it Restreamer or Racer/Tracker. You may then launch your tracker with the settings supplied. If you are a restreamer, you do not specifically need to set your settings, as it will be supplied by the Racer/Tracker. Also, you will not be allowed to click on anything on the tracker, but it will update every time a change has been made on the Racer/Tracker's tracker. If you are a Racer/Tracker, you can use your tracker as you normally would. This feature will only work when using the online version and not the offline version, and will be removed from the launcher when running offline.

When you have your modes set, you can adjust any custom display settings at Display Settings at the bottom.

You can choose any of the provided custom Sprites by selecting it on the dropdown. There are three options for maps:
None: This will only give you the item tracker and not the map tracker
Normal: This will give you the normal map tracker displayed to the right of the item tracker
Compact: This will give you a smaller version of the map tracker below the item tracker
Use Spoiler log will allow you to upload a non-race version of the spoiler log, provided by the ALTTPR generator. This will give you an additional screen upon loading the tracker where you can upload your spoiler log and select items that you'd like to have ignored. Anything ignored will have their spots unchecked from the map tracker, and locations with what items are available will be noted when you hover over them.

Use Spheres will load the sphere tracker. To use it, click on an item on the tracker, and then click on any of the ? squares on the sphere tracker. You can use this to determine what items are obtained logically behind other items, or track when you get an item out of sequence.

Use Autotracking will enable the listener for autotracking, which defaults on port 23074. Once you have all of your options selected, you can click on Launch Tracker and it will pop up the tracker. Note, if you have popups blocked, it may require you to make an exception for it.